No, it's not his numbers that should have tipped me off. It's something he did that was much more extraordinary that has always boggled my mind:

Whether the incident above was caused by 'roid rage, naivete, or gross negligence, for anyone who has ever tried to knock a ball out of a grown Major League Baseball player's glove can attest, that shit ain't easy, and we all should have known the moment that ball came flying out.
It's okay A-Rod; 2004 was also a loosey goosey era in baseball. Yes, little Roddy, so was 2007, which is why it's okay that you yelled at those poor and innocent Blue Jays when you tried to cheat them too. I'm glad you pointed out to everyone that you're guilty of being naive, which of course would lead any normal person down the path of steroid use, uncontrollable ball slapping, adultery, and not asking questions. I mean, the last thing I would do in a situation where I was ingesting a foreign substance is ask a question. That would just be a waste of time.
Feeling naive in Madison.
Ari I believe you may want to move somewhere with a plethora of teams and just write sports commentary. Or maybe just find a large paper and contribute regularly?